Several years ago I read a book called "The Miracle Morning" by Hal Elrod. Reading that book really impacted my life. I have struggled to have an effective morning routine ever since. I mean, I wanted to get things done in the morning and have a productive day, but I also wanted to sleep, check my email, hit the ground running by doing laundry, dishes, breakfast, etc. So off and on I would set up a morning routine and then I would only stick to it for a few weeks before I fell back into bad habits. When I stuck to it though, I felt successful, and happier, and more productive. I felt calm and my days just went a lot better for the most part.

In January of 2023 I decided I was going to be more consistent with a morning routine. But I wanted to set it up in a way that I would really stick with it and get the most out of it. I prayed and I pondered what things I felt were the most importatnt to include in my daily routine and then I wrote up a plan. It looked like this.
10 min. Meditation and Prayer
20 min. Scripture Study
15 min. Journal
15 min. Read
5 min. Review Dream Board
5 min. Review my To Do List

Well that worked pretty well but it was not quite working for me and by the end of the year I had realized that I felt constrained by the time limits. I also felt like I struggled to keep up with all the things that I "have to" do everyday. Laundry, dishes, homeschooling, managing a household, serving in the church and community, and sharing my message with the world (which sometimes includes writing books, blog posts, creating videos, graphics, podcasts, and more).

So in 2024 I revamped my Morning Routine and Goal board and I came up with a routine that has worked a lot better for me. Before I tell you what that looks like, I want to address the elements that made it more successful and how you can create one that works for you.
#1 - Get rid of time constraints
First I got rid of the time allowances. That gave me more freedom to do things "out of order" and to use my intuition to spend as much time as I needed to on whichever tasks felt important on any given day. So if the first thing on my list was make the bed, but my husband was still asleep, I could do my scipture study or exercise first. I could read for 5 minutes and journal for 25 if it felt right.
#2 - Align actions with goals
Next I changed up the things that I do each day to fit better with my goals. I also gave
myself permission to miss a day or two, or a couple of actions on my list without feeling like a failure. To still view it as a success if I did my routine three days of the week or all the days. If I did 80% of my routine, YAY! Surprisingly this allowed me to do my routine more often, more consistently, and with more enjoyment because I wasn't beating myself up and hiding from my "failures".
#3 - Intentionally follow the routine
Lastly I intentionally followed my routine. I followed it for enjoyment, for my health, for my
soul. I didn't do it just to check it off a list, or "feel accomplished". I set the intention to do it as a means of
self care and a way to fill my resevoir. Like the 5 Wise Virgins, each act I do intentionally adds
a drop of oil to my lamp. (Matthew 25:1-13) When I meditate and am mindful about my day, setting the intention to smile and enjoy life, no matter what "fires" I have to put out each day, I can get through and thrive, instead of survive like a zombie mom.
The thing that goes the farthest
Towards making life worthwile
That costs the least and does the most
Is just a pleasant smile.
-Wilbur D. Nesbit
My 2024 Morning Routine
Setting it up in that way allowed it to feel less overwhelming and demanding and more of a delight. It can be easily customizable for your own life goals, values, and intentions as well. So here is my new list. Again these things are in no particular order, I just try to do each one first thing in the morning and it usually only takes me an hour. It may take longer, and if I have the time to allow for that, I use that time.
Make the bed
Study God's word
I have had so much more success this year and feel so much better about my routine. Have you ever heard about or seen the object lesson where they have a jar, sand, water, pebbles and big rock. The goal is to fit everything into the jar. If you don't do it in the correct order, it simply doesn't fit. If you put the water in first, or the sand and then the rocks, it doesn't fit and you feel frustration. If you start with the big rocks, then the pebbles, then the sand and last the water, everything bits beautifully into the jar. So as I put my most important action first each day, those big rocks so to speak, everything else in my day runs smoother and fits better. I would love to hear how you do your morning routine or if you customize a routine based on what I shared.

I would love to hear how you do your morning routine or if you customize a routine based on what I shared.
Check out my Morning Routine Video on Intsagram.